Thursday, February 27, 2014

Busy Thursday

While there may not have been a lot of children in school today, there sure was a lot of activities going on.

Children have been very interested in making their own books. Today, Mitchell put together two books, one about Batman and the Joker, and another about Star Wars. When he finished his pictures, he taped the two pieces of paper together so that he could fold them closed like a book.
Teaching Strategies #19 Demonstrates Emergent Writing Skills
In the Indoor Movement room today, children were practicing their locomotive skills by traveling down a mat in different ways. Children were running, crawling, and jumping. Some children were even tumbling, rolling, or crab-walking. Ameir was crab-walking down the mat and yelled, "I'm moving like a lobster!"

Teaching Strategies #4 Practices Traveling Skills
Great fun was had by all today. Hopefully the weather warms up and we can resume outside play next week.
Have a fantastic weekend!
Ms. Wright

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