Thursday, April 20, 2017

Music Fun with Mr. Dan!

Today during afternoon large group, we had a special guest. During pick up time at the end of the day, Mr. Dan came and played music for all of the children. Some children engaged in conversations focused around music during morning large group and were told that Mr. Dan would be coming later in the day. The children seemed excited about this visit throughout the day, asking teachers questions about when he would be coming and what songs he may play. When the time finally came, the children gathered around Mr. Dan as he sang songs and played his guitar. They were able to dance, sing along, and even shake some egg shakers to the beat of the music.

One of the first songs allowed the children to pretend to be sleeping fish,
they would wake up and do the actions that the song told them, and then go back to sleep.

Children dancing around to a song.

Another one of the songs had the children shaking shakers,
they shook them down low and up high.

For the last song of the day, Mr. Dan played a cool down song.

Teaching Strategies: Objective 34: Explores musical concepts and expression
Darden HDF 409

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