Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Hallway Adventure!

During AM center time, few children were interested in the magnetic wood blocks and the writing center. 
Kayden was building a robot with many different features. He explained how the robot needed 5 batteries and antennas. 

"This is the robot's house" explained Kayden as he placed more wood blocks. 
"Look I'm building this" Asher said. 
Asher decided to stack all the cubes together and look at the reflection it created in the mirrors. 

After they were done with the blocks, Kayden joined Ella and Aubree at the writing center. Kayden chose to draw the robot he built while Aubree made a letter for a teacher. Ella was working on a book about ducks and later placed in an envelope. Kayden, Ella, and Aubree created pieces of mail and place it in their mailboxes.

Kayden asked for help with writing his name but Aubree stepped in and said "I'll help you Kayden!"

 Michigan Standard of Quality:
Social and Emotional Development
 3. Early Learning Expectation: Children develop healthy relationships with other children and adults. Examples include: asking for help, engaging in more peer interactions.

Lithuania Parra HDF 409

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