Monday, September 16, 2013

Fun with Hammering!

    Today in Maple the children were introduced to something new at the wood working center, real hammer and nails! The children went right to the new tools with excitement, some of the 402's and 409's  were a little nervous, but they did great with the new tools!

    Charlie hammered down his first nail, then he stood up and exclaimed, "I did it"!

    We explained to the children how important it was to be safe with these new tools. We stressed how heavy the hammer was and how sharp the nails are. We told them that they could watch their fellow classmates use the tools but they needed to stay back, just to be on the safe side.

    This afternoon in the Pine classroom the children were able to play and have fun with some new items that we added to the dog park center. We added: dog toys, dog brushes and dog carriers. The carriers gave the children another option as to how and where to take the dogs to different places besides the park. I saw children taking their dogs to the vet office and to the dog store. This added a whole new level of experience for the children to explore.

Rebecca Jones Pod B

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