Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Hot Chocolate

Hello CDLL Families,

This afternoon for small group, some of the children in pod B made hot chocolate. Mrs. Rennie wrote the recipe on large paper and discussed the expectations with the children. Then each child was able to follow the recipe and prepare their own cup of hot chocolate. They waited in line and then grabbed their own cup, scooped one scoop of mix, poured the hot water, mixed it up with a stirrer, and added five marshmallows.

"How many scoops does the recipe say?" 

"Mine is very chocolatey." 

"Five marshmallows. One... Two... Three... Four... Five."

"I'm mixing it all together."

Teaching Strategies Objective 17: Demonstrates knowledge of print and it's uses

Thanks for reading,
Abigail Lucas HDF 409

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