Thursday, April 16, 2015

A Walk to the IET Building

Today, Tolga Kaya, Ela's dad, took Mrs. Nims's small group to the IET building where he works. He talked to about the building and we got to walk up to the second floor, in which Axel told a teacher that "we walked on a bridge."  Mr. Kaya also showed us a couple classrooms and we got to  meet one of his colleagues.  While in the building, the children had noticed that it has a lot of the shapes that we have been learning about.
Mr. Kaya showing the children the classrooms. "There are people on their computers in there." - Jude

The children looking at different art that students have made.

Mrs. Nims's small group

 Have a wonderful weekend!!
~Ms. Coomes

Teaching Strategies 21: Explores shapes 8: Listens to and understands increasingly complex language

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