Monday, May 18, 2015

"What's Missing?"

Welcome Back! Today during Mrs. Nims small group, we played a game called "What's Missing?" There were six different objects. The objects were a marker, scissors, polar bear, a lego man, a button and an egg. We started with three objects on the tray for the first round, but the children found that to be very simply, so we worked our way up to six objects on the tray. We would lay the objects on the tray and talk about what the objects were and then we would cover it up and one of the objects would go missing! The children then had to figure out what object was missing. The children enjoyed looking at the tray and figuring out what objects went missing.

"The marker, it's missing!" -Luke

Carter K and Luke waiting patiently for one of the objects to go missing.

"The egg went missing." - Helena
  Carter K thinking hard about what object is missing.

  Have a great week!

 Teaching Strategies Gold
 #12 Remembers and Connects Experiences
Ms. Vander Meer

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