Monday, May 20, 2013

Summer is Here

Happy Monday to all!

Today was the start of the second week of summer session. The new student teachers are building relationships will all the children and families. We are excited to be with the CDLL for the summer session weeks!

It seems that summer has finally arrived and with the warm, sunny weather there has been a lot of time spent outdoors with new and exciting activities! We have expanded our art areas outdoors so the children can enjoy the weather and be creative with different materials outside. We have games and puzzles on our picnic tables in the shade to sit and cool off. With the warm weather we have incorporated some light water play outside. We have  been making a mud kitchen in the sand box which has been a big hit! The children have been very excited every time the misters come on for a half hour in the afternoon as well. We have also had many helpers watering our plants and gardens.

We were very excited to have our snack delivered by a food pod on wheels today. The cart came into our playground and served the children snack to eat outdoors. An interesting, new and exciting experience! The children had the opportunity to look inside and honk the horn!

We have had our caterpillars for 5 days now. They are significantly bigger and are moving towards the top of the jar. How much longer until they make their chrysalis? The children have been guessing what the butterflies will look like. A popular thought is that they will be rainbow colored!

Hoping for sunny days ahead,

Ms. Knoth

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