Yesterday was our last full day with the children. We decided to return to our normal everyday schedule as much as possible, but we had some very cool visitors. But first, we spent the day helping to clean all of the materials in the room. As you can see in the two pictures below, we spent a lot of time making big messes to clean them up again. We discussed with the children during the process the importance of cleaning our blocks and other materials for the next students so they can have clean toys and be healthy.
Around lunch time, we had a visit from Central Michigan University Police Officers. Pod B met with them first and we're playing with their sirens and inside their patrol cars. A lot of our children waited patiently for our turn to meet with them by standing by the fence and listening.
The first part of meeting with the police officers was a presentation on the different parts of their job. They spent a lot of time talking to us about the different positive parts of their job, like keeping us safe. Then they explained all of the special parts of their uniform. This included their belt, flashlight, protecting vests, hats and shirts with badges.
We all had the opportunity to try on parts of their uniform.
The next part of our time with the police officers was a discussion about what to do if we are ever confronted by strangers. The police officers reminded us that we never go anywhere with strangers and if they try to take us we should yell "Stranger Danger!!" as loud as possible in order to keep ourselves safe.
Here our pod are all practicing yelling "Stranger Danger!" |
We then ate lunch with our guests. Here is Danielle pointing at a police officer's badge and explaining to us that is how we know he is a police officer and we can trust him. |
While sitting in the backseat of the patrol vehicles, we had a lot of discussions about the people the have to ride in the back of them. We tried to explain to the children that these people that sit back here are not 'bad people' or 'bad guys' but rather, people who made bad decisions. |
As you can see our children enjoyed their time with the police officers and really liked exploring their patrol cars. It was a great way to enjoy our last full day as a pod, we are very thankful the CMU police officers could join us!
Ms. Willyard