Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Pod B Went for a Walk

This week pod B has added some new materials to the light table, texture table and the outdoor texture table.  Leaves, pine-cones and other natural elements have been put into these areas.  Today we went for a walk to the botanical gardens over by the CMU library.  Each group walked around the pond and through the little forest.  We discovered crinkly leaves, hard walnuts that looked like small apples and some flowers. Some children discovered that when they tossed leaves into the air that some of them seemed to float back down rather than just drop like the walnuts. We had snack in a shady spot near the pond and on our way back we collected leaves, pine-cones, nuts, pine-needles and sticks.  These treasures will be added to our texture tables, light table and will be available for children to sketch along with gourds and pumpkins.

~Nicole Schipper

"It's ok to throw leaves, because they won't hurt people."
The children were curious to learn about why leaves and walnuts fall.         

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