Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Pod B: Field Trip

This has been a fun-filled week for the children in Pod B! It all started with our trip to the museum. Children have been interested in animals and habitats so going to the museum was more than a great idea. Everyone got to see some of the different animals from around the state and other parts of the world as well as learn about their habitats.

"Quotations" - Tour guide
Italics - Children

"Where do bears live?"

They live way far away. They live outside in the forest - (Eric) They live in the woods. They eat berries and grass and meat.

"What animal is this?"
"Where do you see bats?"
At night.
"What do they eat? What are the bugs in the summer that bite us?"
Mosquitoes! - Jonah
"How do they sleep?"
Upside down. They hang from trees.

-Ms. Jenkins

Michigan State Standards:
Early Learning in Science 2.1
Children show a beginning awareness of scientific knowledge demonstrating a growing ability to collect, talk about, and record information about living and non-living things.

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