Thursday, October 13, 2011

Mixing Paint in Pod B

October 12, 2011

From the start of the year there has just been the primary colors (red, yellow, blue) out on the paint easel for the children to paint with.  They have mixed their own color by mixing up the paint brushes in the container.  They have made green and purple but not really know how it was happening.  A few weeks ago Mrs. Nims had found a flower and a couple of girls made the color the same as the flower.  Now today in the paint area I was helping Sidney get ready to paint.  She had mentioned to me that her one color was out or it was dried up.  So I asked her if she would like to make another color.  I asked her what color she would like to make.  It took her some time and then she told me,  "Pink! Its my favorite color."  So we got out a new jar and started to make pink.  I asked her what we should start out with.  She thought that white would be good.  Then I asked her what color would be next to give white the right pink color.  She then thought for a while looking at all the paint colors to choose from.  She said, "Red." We worked together finding out how much we wanted to use and then she did the mixing. "Its perfect. Just the right color."  Sidney and I had made pink together that she could then go and paint with.  She then shared it with another child that joined her at the art easel.
Kayla Reid

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