Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Pod A

Hello Everyone! 
            Today we had beautiful weather, blue skies and sunshine. The weather worked out great in collaboration with our picnic lunch and the outdoor centers that were put in place this week.
            We had a picnic today at the large maple tree in front of Sweeney which is the dorm that faces the CDLL. The children and teachers sat on blankets enjoying a lunch of turkey sandwiches, coleslaw, pears, and, all of the children’s favorite, chocolate milk! After we ate, the children enjoyed playing popcorn with the parachute and kick ball. 

In the outdoor centers, there are two wood working centers. The first center is a large circular piece of wood or “the large stump” as Zachary refers to it as. The children can use a hammer to hammer in nails to the stump, while wearing protective woodworking goggles.
The second woodworking center consists of assorted wood shapes and wood glue. The children use paintbrushes to dip into the wood glue and glue the assorted shapes in many different ways to design a wood sculpture. When asked what she was creating, Emerald replied, “I’m making hearts. I’m gluing the purple blocks onto the heart shape.”
There are also two discovery table centers. The first discovery table is filled with different types of beans, small shovels and laundry soap tops. Some of the children were using the laundry soap tops as ice cream cones and used the beans as the ice cream. The children at the bean discovery table were making specialized ice cream orders, such as gummy worm, chocolate, strawberry and pineapple ice cream throughout outdoor playtime.

The second discovery table was filled with water, soap, sponges and baby dolls. The children washed the dolls with a sponge in the soapy water.  “We got to get all the germs off and make him clean,” said Marc as he scrubbed a baby doll.
I am sure that the children went home exhausted after all of the fun we had outside today. I hope the gorgeous weather continues for the rest of the week.

Katie Murphy
Pod A Student Teacher

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