Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Productive Wednesday!

Today was a productive day! In the Oak room, the children were exploring with mud paint, marble painting, watercolor, collage, and paper. Here's a sneak peek at some of the activities that happened today in the Art room.
Aya said, "I'm going to color orange and green."
Zin said, "Orange."

Katherine said, "I'm making a squid and then a crown."
Carter said, "I'm making a house for my dad, mom, brother, and dog. I also need one for me."

 During outside play, the children were cooperating by the playground area. They waited and took turns sliding down the slide. They either slid down backwards or on their bottoms.


TS Gold: Physical Development and Health#2.3-
Show increasing abilities to coordinate movements

Hope you have a wonderful week!

Hien Le

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