Wednesday, November 18, 2015

How Do Children Use Objects to Represent Something Not Present?

Today, the Nature group met around the rug in the Walnut room as we always do. Our lead teacher, Mrs. Weller is at a conference in Florida, so we decided to FaceTime her during small group time.

The teachers explained to the children that, although Mrs. Weller is not here with us in person, we would be able to see her on the laptop screen.

Rohan, Ayrez, Ana, Zoey H., Carter B., Sarah and Asher gathered around the computer as we dialed Mrs. Weller's number.

Mrs. Weller! -Rohan
I see Mrs. Weller! -Asher
Hello everyone! -Mrs. Weller
Hello! -Group 
Where are you Mrs. Weller? -Zoey H. 
I am in Florida! How's the weather in Michigan where you are? It's warm here in Florida and it is not raining. -Mrs. Weller 
It's raining outside here! -Asher
Yeah, it's raining and cold! -Carter B. 

Is there anything else you would like to say to Mrs. Weller before we let her go? -Teacher
I do, it's my birthday! -Zoey H.
Wow, happy birthday! -Mrs. Weller
I want to say something, we miss you! -Ana
Miss you too! -Mrs. Weller
See you when you come back! -Asher
Bye! -Group (Waving to the screen)

After hanging up with Mrs. Weller, the teachers asked the children what their favorite part of Facetiming with Mrs. Weller was. 

My favorite part was seeing her face! -Ayrez
I saw Mrs. Weller! -Rohan 
I saw her face too! -Sarah 
She was on the computer! -Carter B. 

Teaching Strategy: #14- Uses symbols & images to represent something not present

Ms. Ball

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