Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Summer is in Full Swing!

It was a hot day out today with the sun shining but, the children loved being outside because of the weather that we had yesterday.  In the morning, the bikes were a big hit riding around the play yard.  In the afternoon, we had bubbles out for them to blow or to run, jump, or catch them to either pop or try to save.  There was not a cloud in the sky during the morning so some of the children even wore their sunglasses!

There were a lot of stops at the drinking fountain to keep hydrated and many of the children came inside after awhile to cool off and take a break from the summer heat.  With summer finally here, the gardens, plants, and flowers and looking colorful and fantastic.  The children helped to keep them hydrated just like they were doing for themselves today.

Teaching Strategy: Physical #6 Gross-motor skills

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