Throughout the semester, the Performance and Construction group have been working hard to build props and practice their lines for a performance called "The Four Seasons." The entire school had the opportunity to watch a video of the Performance Group enacting their play. Congratulations to everyone involved on all your hard work!
It was the last day in the CDLL for some of our student teachers. Thankfully no tears were shed, but many hearts were broken as the teachers danced with the children for the last time during a dance party at the end of the day. The student teachers would like to take the opportunity to thank all of the children, families, and staff of the CDLL that have been so supportive and patient with us this semester. We have genuinely enjoyed our time here and wish the best for your families in the future! Thank you! You will greatly be missed!
Teaching Strategies:
Cognitive #11 - Demonstrates positive approaches to learning
The Arts #35 - Explores dance and movement concepts
-Ms. Gross