Monday, April 28, 2014

Hasta Lavista Amigos!

The wind was certainly howling today, but it was no match for the children's high spirits inside and outside the classrooms. In the Maple Room, Jonah, Isaiah, Drew, Joey, and Larry were all found building tall structures then taping them together so they would not fall apart. "This is Bad Joker. He's tryin' to get inside Batman's shop," Jonah described his creation.

Throughout the semester, the Performance and Construction group have been working hard to build props and practice their lines for a performance called "The Four Seasons." The entire school had the opportunity to watch a video of the Performance Group enacting their play. Congratulations to everyone involved on all your hard work!

It was the last day in the CDLL for some of our student teachers. Thankfully no tears were shed, but many hearts were broken as the teachers danced with the children for the last time during a dance party at the end of the day. The student teachers would like to take the opportunity to thank all of the children, families, and staff of the CDLL that have been so supportive and patient with us this semester. We have genuinely enjoyed our time here and wish the best for your families in the future! Thank you! You will greatly be missed!

Teaching Strategies:
Cognitive #11 - Demonstrates positive approaches to learning
The Arts #35 - Explores dance and movement concepts
-Ms. Gross

Our Last Monday!

Today was a fun filled day with the preschoolers.  We wanted to make sure the children enjoyed their last two days with their student teachers having a good time with lots of activities.  This morning the mail group was privileged to go with the nature group on a walk to their forest on campus during morning centers.  The children enjoyed playing in their houses that they've made before with tree limbs.  Also, a lot of pretend play was happening throughout the time we were there.

During small groups today, all the students and teachers met in the indoor movement room to watch the performance group's final video that they've been working on all semester about the four different seasons.
At the end of the day for afternoon group time, the teachers decided to bring the pods together and meet in the indoor movement room for a dance party to kick off our last day that we would all be together.  The children were able to dance to some of their favorite songs that we hear them sing all over school.
Teaching Strategies: The Arts #35- "Explores dance and movement concepts"
Physical #4- "Demonstrates traveling skills"

Thank you for an amazing semester and I wish everyone the best of luck with their preschoolers, we are going to miss all of their smiling faces!
-Ms. Bennett

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Capture the Beanie Baby!

This afternoon the nature group, performance group, and mail group all joined forces for a game of Capture the Beanie Baby!

Similar to Capture the Flag, Capture the Beanie Baby has the children split into two teams, each of which has one half of the playground as their "territory." The bridge in the middle of the playground is neutral territory where the game begins and ends.

Each team hides its beanie baby on its own side of the playground, and when both teams are finished, they meet back on the bridge. Then the teams swap sides and go searching for the other team's beanie baby. Once a team finds the other team's beanie baby, it races back to the bridge!

The teams worked together to figure out where to hide their beanie babies, and then to find the other team's beanie babies as well. They played three games together during small group time. It was a fun and collaborative way to end the week.

Have a great weekend!

-Ms. Hill

Teaching Strategies Objectives for Development and Learning
Social-Emotional #3: Participates cooperatively and constructively in group situations

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

It's Art Cart Time!

It's that time of year again! The time where we are able to spend our afternoons outside and create art master pieces! Our art cart is full of markers, crayons, sparkly paint markers and paper! Children are able to sit at the picnic table in the yard and create whatever comes to their mind.
The cart was very popular today since most kids spent the majority of their time outside this afternoon! We all keep hoping the weather only gets better from here on out!!

Teaching strategy #33: Explores the visual arts

Enjoy your day!!
-Ms. Boone

Matching Shapes and Counting!

Today in Pod B, the teacher brought fun learning into the group. It was not your typical group where we dance and move around. The teacher added mathematical aspects. The Children engaged in matching half of shapes with another person who had the other half. They also counted dots and matched the number of dots with another student who had the exact same number.

Teaching Strategies #23 Mathematics: Demonstrates knowledge of patterns
-Ms. Thomas-

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Making Clothes!

Since the dress up clothes have been taken out of the Pine room, the children have been provided with various materials to create their own dress up clothes for the school.  The children can use items like foam, scissors, hole punchers, tape, and a variety of ribbons and threads.  After they complete the clothing piece they have made, they can hang it up for other children to add onto or wear.

Today, after punching holes through foam pieces, Haley and Jana wanted to tie multiple pieces of foam together.  The two wanted to use ribbon to connect the foam pieces, but were unsure how to tie a knot.  With the help of a teacher guiding them through the process of tying a knot, both were able to tie knots in the ribbon.  Haley and Jana both taught other children how to tie knots, as well.

The girls were looking forward to continuing to work on their clothing artwork tomorrow.  It's exciting to see the children able to work together and help each other with their projects!

This is also the last time I will be blogging for the semester.  Thank you so much for giving not only me, but all of us 409 students the opportunity to learn and grow with your children.  I have made so many unforgettable memories.  I genuinely look forward to Tuesday and Thursday's for the time I get to spend with your children.  I hope everyone has an excellent summer and best of luck to all the children headed off to Kindergarten!! 
Miss Adcock 

Teaching Strategies Objective 3: Children participate cooperatively and constructively in group situations.  

A Busy Day for Rhyming!

 Today in the Oak Room, Miss Adcock lead a group discussion about rhyming! She read an interactive book about painting and the children followed the story about a young boy who painted all the parts of his body. She explained the concept of rhyme and how the book had many rhyming words. Many of the children knew the rhyming words and shouted out the body part that came next in the painting!

Miss Adcock read the part of the book where the boy said, "Oh heck, I guess I'll paint my _____." Oliver yelled, "Neck!" When the word for rhyming was "Egg," Mark said, "Leg." Many children offered their ideas for rhyming words as well.

"Pain and rain" - Mitchell
"Pink and sink" - Ne'Siah

Teaching Strategies Gold: Literacy: Objective 15a: Children notice and discriminate rhyme.
Since this is my last blog post, I just wanted to let all of you know how much I have enjoyed my experience as a 409 Student Teacher. I have enjoyed spending my time with your children this semester and will miss them so much!! I have made so many connections with your children and families and hope you all have an amazing summer!
-Miss Wheaton

Monday, April 21, 2014

Wacky Tacky Monday!

Today kicked off our first day of spirit week! The children sported some wacky tacky outfits, hair, and the most common mismatch...socks! We also had a group come in for training, so we had lunch and outdoor time together as a whole school. We even got to have snack outside as well. We also gained a new student today, Sabryna! Today was full of new things and an unusual routine. 

The classrooms have added a few new things as well. In the Walnut room we are sketching a bird's nest made out of clay. Joey was interested in making a birdhouse, so he asked 
"How do I make a birdhouse?"
After examining the bird's nest and looking outside, he had a plan for what to make! 

Teaching Strategies Gold Science and Technology Object #26: "Demonstrates knowledge of the physical properties of objects and materials."

Since this will be my last post on the blog, I just wanted to thank all of you for allowing me to have this opportunity to work with your children. I'm not ready for it to end! Just as a final send off I included a picture of us Monday/Wednesday teachers in our Wacky Tacky outfits :) Thank you again for a great semester!


-Ms. Wolf

Thursday, April 17, 2014

"I found a roly poly!"

Happy Thursday everyone!

Since it was such a beautiful afternoon, the children had the opportunity to go outside during center time in the afternoon. Some children rode bikes, pushed each other around in carts, and created works of art at the art cart. Wesley noticed that there was some wet dirt in an area over by the house. He inspected the dirt for bugs and found several "roly polys", a centipede, and a few tiny worms. 

Wesley said, "Hey Guys, I found a roly poly!". This led to Martin, Mitchell, Gavin and Remy all joining and exploring the dirt and the findings of a multitude of roly polys.

"I lost a roly poly and then found it" -Gavin

"I found a whole family!" -Wesley

"It's the smallest roly poly I've ever seen in my life!" -Wesley

We are excited to be spending this extra time exploring the outdoors in the warm weather! Have a great weekend everyone and remember next week is spirit week!

-Miss Schubert

Teaching Strategies: Science and Technology #24: Uses scientific inquiry skills

What's Cooking?

There was a lot of pretend play related to food in the Pine Room today. Some children were making cakes in the kitchen area, or bringing fresh fruit over from the farmer's market. Other children were more interested in finer foods, and serving sushi in the diner area. Also, a fire pit was recently added to the camping area, and children were using sticks to cook hot dogs.

Frankie served her food saying, "You have to eat it with a spoon."

Talia exclaimed, "We can roast hot dogs," and then asked, "Can I have my hot dog on my stick?" She modeled to the others how she would hold her hot dog to cook it.

Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!            
Miss Wright

Teaching Strategies #36: Explores drama through action and language

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Tinfoil River!

Today during small group, the children made a river out of tinfoil. After viewing and sketching real rivers, they wanted to explore what would happen when they placed it on a hill and poured water down it. We all used team work to construct the river, and gently carry it outside.

We noticed it was a little windy outside, so the children looked around the playground for something to put in the river to hold it down. They decided to put "rocks" inside it. They used wooden blocks for rocks. 

After exploring what happened when pouring the water down our hand made river, we discussed the similarities and differences of real rivers and our river. They noticed that both are surrounded by grass, have water, and rocks. Our river is shiny, but others aren't. Also, our river is different because it ripped. 

Teaching Strategies- Science and Technology, Objective 27: Demonstrates knowledge of the Earth's environment. 

I hope everyone has a wonderful last day of the week, and a great weekend! -Miss Kubbe 

Story Time in Pod A

It seems that the children really have been enjoying creating their own stories and constructing them into books. The stories have been about all different kinds of things from Star Wars to Frozen to stories they created themselves.

Aaliyah and Ne’Siah asked to share their stories with the class at group time. Each of them shared their books with their classmates closely listening, even asking question along the way. Mitchell had even asked to share his story again that he told on Monday.

It seems like we have many future storytellers and authors!

Teaching Strategies #17 Literacy: Demonstrates knowledges of print and its uses.

** Ms. deGeus- with student teaching coming to a close, thank you for giving me the opportunity to get to know you and your children. I loved my time here at the CDLL and the children play a large role in that!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Snow in April!

Pure Michigan weather for you,warm and rainy one day, cold and snowy the next. The kids were so excited to see snow again! During outside time the children got all bundled up in their winter gear and ran outside with anticpation. Some children made snow balls and snow angels. Other children enjoyed eating the snow. While others enjoyed how slippery the slide was and played on the slide the entire outside time. 

Teaching Strategies: Physical #7 Demonstrates gross-motor manipulative skills

Ms. Neych

Monday, April 14, 2014

April Showers Bring May Flowers

Although this morning it was raining pretty hard, as the day went on it started to clear up and the temperature started to drop tremendously, but that didn't stop us from going outside.  Luckily before outside time, it was all cleared up and we were able to put our rain gear on and go out and have some fun!  From all of the rain we received, the children noticed lots of worms in the dirt and that's exactly what they enjoyed doing today.
Teaching Strategy: Science and Technology #25- "Demonstrates knowledge of the characteristics of living things"

The Oak Room stayed busy throughout the day during centers, the children were able to get their hands dirty by playing with shaving cream.  They enjoyed making letters in the shaving cream by using their fingers to do so.  Also, some of the children helped sketch flowers onto wood so that we can use the wood for flower boxes.  After the sketching is finished, they will move onto painting the flowers.

The semester is coming to an end, so let's enjoy the last few weeks together having fun at our school!
Ms. Bennett

"Smells like chicken! Yum yum!"

Though the weather was unfavorable for some of our staff, it did not seem to phase most of our young students! Worms were present in numerous areas on the playground and the children took notice. They gathered around the worm, trying to resist the temptation of picking them up, and watched as it stretched and wiggled on the ground. "Smells like chicken! Yum yum!" Martin exclaimed after inhaling deeply. The children examined what the worm was doing and also made predictions as to where the worm might be headed on a day like today. They even constructed a house for him out of wooden circles.

Developing a keen appreciation for literacy in all its forms is a goal many teachers and schools strive to accomplish in their students. Lately, many children have taken an interest in writing and illustrating their own books. The CDLL staff was more than happy today to let a couple share their creations to large group at the end of the day. Zoey and Mitchell both had the chance to sit in the teachers chair and read their story for the POD A class!

Teaching Strategies:
Science & Technology #25 - Demonstrates knowledge of the characteristics of living things
Literacy #17 - Demonstrates knowledge of print and its uses
-Ms. Gross

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Make like a tree and leaf!

This morning in the Oak room, some art students from CMU came in to share a special project with the children. The children painted pictures of trees using photos of the four seasons as inspiration.

The children's hands and wrists were painted brown to create the trunk and branches of the tree. Then children could choose from a number of different colors and use their fingers to put leaves on the tree.

"I'm gonna keep it on forever!"
said Larry as he pressed his hand down hard onto the paper.

Joey painted some red leaves on his tree. Then he said, "I need green," and painted some green leaves onto his tree as well.

Through this activity, children used their hands to dig into the paint and create
unique pieces of artwork to take home to their families.

Michael M's finished tree painting
Have a great weekend!
-Ms. Hill

Teaching Strategies Objectives for Development and Learning
Art #33: Explores the visual arts

Outdoor Art!

The children were able to enjoy some time outside before the rain came, and during their time of getting fresh air they had the option to use the paint dabbers and markers to create paintings and drawings. Above, Nathan is working on writing his name while Liam paints a rainbow.

Thelma described her painting saying, "I made a beautiful rainbow." She began making a sky and landscape to add to the rainbow. "I need brown for my ducks," she said, "I guess I can always use golden for the ducks."

Sasha said to Thelma, "That is an awesome rainbow!" Elisha added, "I just made scribbles on my paper." The children used a variety of colors and mediums to create their pictures. "I am going to take this home with me!" Sasha said excitedly about her work.

Teaching Strategies Gold Objective 33: Explores the Visual Arts

Have a great weekend everyone and we will see you back on Monday!
-Miss Nolan