Thursday, January 30, 2014

To You, With Love

The children were very busy in the Oak room today, creating Valentine's cards for the upcoming holiday.
Some of the children wanted to know what the "To" and "From" spaces on the cards were for. The teacher read them the words, and asked the children what they thought they were for. The children decided "To" meant who the card was for, and "From" meant who was making the card. After that, the children started addressing cards to their friends and family. Some of the cards were even addressed to the teachers!
Finally, some children decided that instead of using the pre-made, they wanted to make their own. They asked to teachers to write out words such as "friend" and "love" that they could copy to include in their cards.
Have a fantastic weekend!
Ms. Wright
Teaching Strategies: Literacy #19- Demonstrates emergent writing skills.

Lights, Camera, Action!

Today the performance project group tested out their acting skills and performed for their classmates.

Each child chose an animal they wanted to act out on stage and the children that were in the audience had to guess which animal they were acting out. Some children walked like their animal and other children imitated the sound their animal makes.

Some children pretended to be tigers, horses, cows, and snakes. However, the animal that the majority of the children chose to act out was a bunny!

Have a great weekend!

-Ms. Schubert

Teaching Strategies: The Arts #35 "Explores dance and movement concepts"
Teaching Strategies: Cognitive #14A "Thinks symbolically"

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Weather Can't Stop Us!

Lights, camera, action! Today the dramatic arts project group gathered during small group time to perform with our dancing scarfs.

The group of children took turns dancing, playing musical instruments and being respectful audience members while their classmates danced on stage. We even had our very own MC Gavin to narrate our performance!
Some kids danced like the weather, other kids danced like princesses and ballerinas, we even had a few power ranger dance moves! The kids really enjoyed moving the scarf and being watched by their friends at school!

Teaching Strategies: The Arts #34 "Explores musical concepts and expression"
Teaching Strategies: The Arts #35 "Explores dance and movement concepts"

I hope everyone is keeping warm during the harsh weather! 
-Ms. Boone

Inside Trumps Outside!

The cold, bitter weather kept us from going outside. The children ventured to the indoor movement room to exert all their energy in an obstacle course. They children rolled, tumbled, balanced, and tossed themselves through the challenging obstacle course. 

Teaching Strategies Gold: Physical #5- Demonstrate balancing skills

-Ms. Thomas-

Monday, January 27, 2014

Brrrrrr....It's Cold Outside!

Today in the Oak classroom, acting out the movie, "Frozen" was a huge success for our students on the stage and dressing up like their favorite characters in the movie.
Teaching Strategies: The Arts #36 "Explores drama through actions and language"

Due to the weather being as cold as it feels outside, we were unable to go outside but that didn't stop us from having fun with our friends.  Instead all of the staff and students had lunch together today, and then we had a dance party in the indoor movement room afterwards.
Teaching Strategies: The Arts #35 "Explores dance and movement concepts"

During our center time this morning and afternoon, we introduced Valentine's Day cards to the children since the holiday is coming up.  The students enjoyed personalizing their cards the way they wanted and then deciding who they wanted to give them to.  Families should be expecting some cards in the near future from the students!
Teaching Strategies: Literacy #16 "Demonstrates knowledge of the alphabet"

I hope everyone is keeping warm in this freezing cold weather outside!

-Ms. Bennett

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Winter is here to stay as the cold temperatures kept the entire CDLL staff and students indoors today. Even though we never ventured out, there was still much fun to be had inside.
After lunch, the hallway was open for all students. Many children found their way to the mailing station where new valentine stickers and cards were available to send to family and friends.

Teaching Strategies: Literacy #19 "Demonstrates emergent writing skills"

If you see this smiling face in the rooms be sure to say a quick "Hello!" and "Welcome!" to our newest student: Noah.