Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Happy Tuesday!!!
Today has been a very busy day! The children were very excited about the fake snow and the water balls in the sensory tables in the Walnut room.
The children loved that you can't see the balls in the water until you put your hands inside the water and can move and feel all the balls in the water.
In the Oak room children were painting with car tires and running their cars in paint and driving the car on their paper to make car tire tracks all over their papers.
In the Maple room children were very excited about the widget blocks and the foam blocks. The children were building castles, houses, and towers throughout the classroom.
In the Pine children were taking the babies to the doctor office to get shots and check ups.
As the children voted to make the box into a castle. All week long we have been working on it to make a door that opens out with string, windows, and other things the children have designed for it and then today the children finished painting the castle red.
Hope Everyone has a great vacation!! The student teachers don't want this experience to end we will miss the children, the staff, and the families!!

Ms. Patterson

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