Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thursday November 8th, 2012

Happy Thursday!!!!

Today was a busy day at the C.D.L.L.  In the maple room children were very interested in the hammer and nails at the wood working. The children wear goggles for safety as the pound nails into the wood pieces using real hammers and nails. In the maple the box that the children voted on Tuesday the children were making doors, and windows out of paper and cutting the things they made out to tape to the box where they want a door or a window or triangles on the top of the box to make the top of the castle have triangles on it.
The children also very so excited to see in the Pine room that the fire station is gone and we turned it into a doctors office and the waiting room. The children were taking their babies to the doctors office. The children placed their babies on the table that had a mat on it so they could examine the babies and see why they were sick.
In the Oak room children playing with orange scented play dough. The children were using cookie cutters to cut out the play-dough and had pins to roll our their play-dough. There is ribbon that children can use at the collage table to make a picture with different items like buttons, ribbon and markers to create their own pictures.
In the Walnut room children were hammering plastic golf teas into pumpkins at the sensory tables with plastic hammers. There is also bird seed the children played with by putting bird seed in the cups and funnels and letting the bird seed fall through the holes in the funnels.

Outside the children hung more bird feeders on the trees that the made out pine cones that had  bird seed sticking to the pine cones. Also children were playing with the stilts outside walking around using stilts saying,"Look I am taller!"
There are bristle blocks at the table/floor toys that the children have been making houses, castles, and different things out of them same with the magnetic blocks the children have been making tall castles, and houses.
Have a great weekend!!
Ms. Patterson

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