Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Pod B Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2012

Today we continued to work with the new centers that were introduced to us this week.  Wire appointments continued and we had multiple students who loved to be involved with Ms. Weller and the wire tools.  The pottery wheel had a new instructor, who introduced new ways of creating masterpieces with the children.  We brought out new paint today that was in the texture of foam.  The children enjoyed using their hands and many tools to spread the paint around, and mix up the colors.  Some art pieces came out of this experiment, and this gave the children a new way of creating pictures.

While outside the children had a blast playing monster tag!  They knew how to stay safe in the areas where it looked icy, and they were respectful to each other when it was their turn to tag other children.

We talked a lot about families today in small group.  Some of the small groups drew pictures of their family, talked about how to be safe with their family, and talked about the similarities within all of the families that were present in the picture frames.  The children are very excited to get going on our school community flags, which will progress this upcoming week.

Have a great rest of the week and weekend!
-Miss Braley

Teaching Strategies: Social Emotional 3, Cognitive 11, Physical 7.

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