Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Pod B: Cornstarch and Color

As we continue with appointments this week, I was able to assist with cornstarch and color appointments today. Since the beginning of the semester we have been exploring colors and now we’re starting to mix them. The kids were really excited about this new exploration. They had the option to choose two colors out of three (red, blue, yellow) to explore and we experimented to see what happens when we mix them with and without cornstarch. 

Before we started we talked about Scientists and what they do. Some children said they paint and others said they didn't know. 

Then we talked about cornstarch and what it looks and feels like. 
"It feels like snow" - Landen & Marc
"It looks like sand" - Sydney G. & Daysha

Jonah adds cornstarch to his colors

Daysha is mixing cornstarch in to her mixture of orange color.

We talked about what happens when we mix colors and Marc said we make new colors. After asking what happens to the colors after we add cornstarch he said it makes different colors.

Marc made a lavender, light blue, dark blue and purple mixture.

-Ms. Jenkins

Michigan State Standard:
Early Learning in Science 1.5
Children develop positive attitudes, gain knowledge about science,  and begin to participate in simple investigations. 

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