Wednesday, October 15, 2014

What a Successful Wednesday!

Today was a successful day in both, Pod A and Pod B. The children were interacting with one another and exploring new materials. Here are some wonderful things that happened today...

Jamie was exploring in the dark room.
"My nose is orange!" said Jamie
Juli, NA'Zya, and Aya were exploring and interacting at the light table using sensory beads and Magna Tiles.
"We're making a castle. It's big!" said NA'Zya

FiFi was exploring with the mixed nuts. She used a spoon to pick up the mixture of nuts.

Katherine was experimenting with the Moon sand.
"It feels warm!" said Katherine
Aya looked closely to see what colors she could find in the Moon sand.
Aya said, "Look! Pink and blue, purple, and yellow."

Sumaya identified each letter of the alphabet.
She said, "It's an M. There's a W."
During recess, Copper, Jace Kaiden, and A.J. were interacting with each other.
"We built a boat," said Kaiden
Ofure built a tower during outside play. She was happy to take a picture next to her art piece.
During small groups, the children played the relay race using wooden spoons and eggs.
Ms. Potter helped E.J. balance on the waffle blocks by holding his hand.
PJ was pushing a cart around the playground. He said it was a box with a football inside.
The children were fascinated when watching the construction work.
"Look! It's moving!" said Olivia K.
"It's a cement truck!" said William
Brooke found a ladybug during outside play.

Annabella  was pretending to be a lion.
She said, "Momma lion is hunting for food."

Kallix and Memo were playing ball with Mr. Jonaitis. He threw the ball in the air and they ran to catch the ball.

Kallix and Sanuthi ended their day walking around the playground, holding hands.

Hien Le
TS Gold:
Social and Emotional Development 3.1: Increase their ability to initiate and sustain age-appropriate interactions with peers and adults
Physical Development and Health 2.3: Show increasing abilities to coordinate movements

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