Friday, May 23, 2014

Multi-Sensory Time

Friday May 23rd, 2014

Today was the first day of summer camp! The children played inside before morning group. Inside the Walnut room, there were sensory tables filled with red and green water, as well as, beans. Oliver started at the water table. At the water table he said, "The red water is people potion and the green water is zombie potion." Max was also at the water table and experimented with mixing the green and red water using large eye droppers.

While Max continued to experiment at the water table, Oliver became interested with the sensory table that had beans! "Who wants bean soup?" said Oliver. Sophie joined the sensory table also. "I'm making cinnamon rolls, with some strawberries, some cookies, than some water. The seeds are going to be the water," said Sophie. As Sophie mixed her ingredients together she than said, "I'm making strawberry cinnamon rolls. Now, I need some cinnamon and than frosting." The children enjoyed the sensory tables and were very creative with ideas!

Teaching Strategy:
#14: Uses symbols and images to represent something not present
#24: Uses scientific inquiry skills

- Ms. Nichols

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