Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Lots to do in the Oak Room

Today in the Walnut room, the children had the opportunity to make slime. The children were given their own cups and followed a recipe of Borax, water and glue to make slime. All the slime that the children make will go into the oak room where they get to do further hands on exploration with it. Tomorrow the children should be able to add color to their slime to make the mixture even more exciting.

The oak room was a busy room for the children today. Some of the children had appointments with Ms. Posci to work with and learn about clay tools. They learned how to hold and use the tools properly, while also able to explore what each tool does. (Teaching Strategy Science and Technology 28: Children use tools and other technology to perform tasks)

 Other children of the oak room got to explore and work with the slime that was made in the oak room the previous day. They got to hold it and play with it; stretching and molding it into different things.

Another exciting thing that some of the children got to experience in the Oak room was the newly put out stamper. The children experienced rolling the stamper across the different paints and even made their own color by mixing it in another tray.

Ms. Geyer

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