Sunday, February 19, 2012

Thursday, February 16, 2012 - Pod B

Hello Family and Friends!

We had a busy day in Pod B. The children spent some time in pretend today. They would walk around and hand each other flowers. They also set up the table like in a restaurant and had the flowers in the middle of the table. The children were also spending time in construction. They have been interested in the new dinosaurs.

We also had a guest come in to play some music for the children. He brought a Chinese Chen and the Turkish Saz. The children enjoyed his music. Some children showed their enjoyment by tapping their feet to the beat, moving their head to the music, swaying back and forth, or dancing.

Some children were interested in the tuning of the instruments. They asked to see what happens the strings are out of tune. 

 The children hearing the difference between tuned and out of tune.

The children listening and dancing to the music being played.

We are looking forward to next week! 
Mrs. Sanders

The Arts #34 - Explores musical concepts and expression

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