Hello Families of Pod B,
Once again we had many exciting opportunities for the children today. We opened up new centers outside so that the children have a broader range of activities to choose from. We added sensory tables with beans in the dry sensory table and dolls with soapy water and sponges in the wet sensory table. Many children washed babies outside today.
Caleb is washing the babies
We were outside a lot today! We enjoyed lunch under a tree across the street from our school. We brought toys over there to play with after eating our hot dogs. Some children participated in a sack race while others played with balls or read stories on a blanket.
A microscope was added to the discovery center and many children enjoyed looking through the microscope at a variety of insects. The children would type in the code for the slide and the microscope gave information about whatever insect or animal that the children were looking at. There is also a quiz feature on the microscope that some of the children utilized.
Here, Kyle uses the microscope to look at an insect.
The children are still interested in our ongoing investigation of the caterpillar lifecycle. Today we looked at the jar and saw that all of the caterpillars had now turned into chrysalises. Mrs. Nims invited the children to watch her move the chrysalises from the jar into a net so that when they turn into butterflies they will have more room.
The chrysalises hanging in their new net home!
Michigan Standards of Quality for Pre-K 2-3: Use observation skills to build awareness of plants and animals, their life cycles
We are looking forward to more warm days outside!
Until next time,
Brooklynn (Ms.) Voyles